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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

EECC 0.5: Where Is This Thing Going, Anyway?

Allow me to take a step backward. I'm afraid I may not have been entirely clear about my goals and intentions for this 'series'. As such, I think it would be much easier simply to write without a clear end in mind or a plan of what is to be discussed. So here's a little image for a possible route for the discussion (I realize it's ridiculously small; just click on it to make it larger. Hurray for technology!):

So there you have it. This is a basic, rough outline for what we're attempting here. As you can see, the first two sections, Liturgy and Theology, are much farther along in their development than are the latter two, The Bible and Mission.

If there is something you feel might be missing from these ideas that ought to be discussed, feel free to leave it in a comment or shoot us an e-mail (see contact information under Pages).

Grace and peace,

P.S.: For those who are interested, the chart/graph/thing above was made using the free program MindNode. It's a dandy little tool. You might check it out.

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