The Reedeemed Weblog consists of two authors, Reed Hamil and Gabe Fisher. We are currently biblical studies students in Texas, Reed being at Lubbock Christian University and Gabe at Abilene Christian University.
There is but one mission of this blog, and that is to talk about God. Whether it is through God's word (in its various and numerous forms) or God's actions, we at Reedeemed seek to praise him.
We do not have here a list of beliefs or a creed, but we hope you may come to know us in our writings here. We do not inherently reject creeds, for the rejection of such is a creed in itself.
It is our hope that the mission and the beliefs are mutually beneficial and reflective of the character of the One whom we serve. In the writing presented here we hope to stay true to God's words and Christ's example.